Holy Week

Please join us as we come together to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Maundy Thursday (Thursday, 7 PM): Guided by readings from the gospel of Mark, singing hymns focused on the cross, and celebrating the Lord’s Supper together, we’ll join for a solemn, yet hopeful, time of reflecting on Christ’s death for us.…

8. “Finding Through Losing” (Romans 11 & 12, Part 2)

Finding Through Losing (Romans 11 & 12, Part 2) Geoff Ziegler, March 3, 2024 https://youtu.be/WcQf3rI7L8I?si=cTGl07ayAQnOEX7Z Last week, we said that if you understand the gospel, if you understand Christianity, one response will increasingly make sense to you. One response to the gospel will increasingly describe the way you live your life. You will, more and…

6. “By Faith” (Romans 4)

By Faith (Romans 4) NIck Owens, February 18, 2024 https://youtu.be/yrVIUkg-eO4?si=HwaBQ1hmEEDdkh2z Throughout life in various relationships or with various groups we have a sense of what we need to be “in” with that group.  How it is that we can belong and be accepted.  As we’re growing up and in school, with some groups, if you…

5. “The Good News” (Romans 3, Part 2)

The Good News (Romans 3, Part 2) Geoff Ziegler, February 11, 2024 https://youtu.be/siEThmfTme4?si=7_nC_I3d4QNge_3s When a group of Christians are discouraged because they feel like they are failing, or they have doubts, or they are divided, they need to be strengthened by the gospel. This is the conviction that drives the letter of Romans. Knowing the…