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Our mission:

Striving to be Christ’s beautiful church, for the good of the world.

We are a community united by the growing understanding that though our sin goes deep, God's love in Christ goes deeper. Jesus is now forming us into a new community of love.

Some of us have been part of a church for years, and others are new or returning after years away. Whatever your story, our hope is that you can experience the beauty of Jesus with us.​

Our story so far

Trinity began in 2001 around a dining room table. A few families met together, captivated by the idea of beginning a new grace-infused church with Jesus at the center. Over the course of many prayers in people’s living rooms and initial worship services at Hinsdale Middle School, our fledgling community of faith began to take shape.

And then God took Trinity down an unexpected path. A public failure involving our founding pastor brought shame, grief, and uncertainty about our future. At the same time, it also brought clarity. We could never be a church that has it all together. Our only way forward was in grace, trusting in Jesus’ ability to take what was broken and make something beautiful.

Since that time a growing group of sinful, broken people has been gathered together around the life-transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus. Our shared purpose is, in service to him, to become a community that displays his beauty and love to the world around us.

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Beliefs that shape our life together:

Our God
is Triune

With churches throughout the world and throughout history, we believe that our God is Father, Son, and Spirit. He is the creator of this world. He is beautiful and true, and our great joy and privilege is to worship him.

Our God

God pursues a relationship with us, his creatures. He tells us who he is and how we can know him through his Scriptures and most fully through his Son, Jesus. One of the most important things our church does is listen to him.

Our God Is Gracious

God invites us to be honest with ourselves about our failure. In our sinfulness, we cannot climb our way up to God. Instead, he has come down to us through his Son. Jesus died and rose again to forgive our sins and open a way up for us back to God and his perfect purposes for us. Our spiritual growth happens as we learn to believe that God really does love us this much.

Our God Creates Community

God is doing more than saving each of us personally. Through his Spirit, he’s forming us into a new people, capable of experiencing the love and commitment to each other that we were meant for. We believe our calling is to be a community who reflects God’s beautiful grace.

Our God Loves the World

God loves every nation and every community, including our own. He is grieved when people endure evil; he hates injustice; and he rejoices when a single person comes to trust in his saving love. We believe God sends us into this world to serve it as a sign and expression of the love of Jesus.

Other things you will want to know about our congregation: