Join Us on Christmas Eve!
Join us at 4PM for a family-friendly time where we sing carols, listen to the Bible’s words about the birth of Jesus, and we celebrate with wonder the coming of our Lord to earth!
Trinity Hinsdale Church Office:
427 E. Walnut St
Hinsdale, IL, 60521
Church Worship Service:
Sundays, 9:30 AM
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Join us at 4PM for a family-friendly time where we sing carols, listen to the Bible’s words about the birth of Jesus, and we celebrate with wonder the coming of our Lord to earth!
We love our community! We’re inviting Hinsdale and anyone who lives nearby to join us for a fun time to celebrate the end of summer. Award-winning barbecue, a great DJ, a bouncy house, and good vibes all around. Join us on August 25 from 5-8 PM at 201 N. Oak St in Hinsdale (the lawn…
Sons of God (Romans 8, Part 3) Geoff Ziegler, June 2, 2024 Should Christians be pessimistic about the present? A few weeks ago, we started looking at Romans 8 noting that Scripture calls us to hope: that even though things are hard right now, we can know that the happily ever lies with certainty…
Saved to Hope (Romans 8, Part 2) Geoff Ziegler, May 19, 2024 At the very heart of the gospel is an extraordinary truth. The God of the universe loves us. Before we did anything to deserve any kind of praise; while we were enemies with God, God loved us. Not just an imaginary being…
What the Law Revealed (Romans 7-8) Geoff Ziegler, May 5, 2024 More than 30 years ago, a children’s book was published entitled The Lovables in the Kingdom of Self-Esteem. It told the story of a magical kingdom with gates. And the way to get in was simply to say the magic words three times.…
Easter 2024 – A Life More Powerful than Death (Romans 5, Part 1) Geoff Ziegler, March 31, 2024 Part 1: Our Failure This morning, I want to talk about a gift—about God’s amazing gift to us. But to get there, I first need to talk about our failure. Jennifer and I lived in Sydney,…
Growing Together as we Offer Ourselves to God (Romans 12, Part 5) Geoff Ziegler, March 24, 2024 For the past month during Lent, our focus has been on what we might call the central “hinge” of Romans. For 11 chapters Paul has been explaining the Christian gospel of what Jesus has done to rescue…
Please join us as we come together to celebrate the death and resurrection of Jesus. Maundy Thursday (Thursday, 7 PM): Guided by readings from the gospel of Mark, singing hymns focused on the cross, and celebrating the Lord’s Supper together, we’ll join for a solemn, yet hopeful, time of reflecting on Christ’s death for us.…
How We Offer Ourselves to God (Romans 12, Part 4) Geoff Ziegler, March 17, 2024–u8bCo-Auk?si=4uM782PRpeshP0Z3 I want to start by thinking about where we’ve been to this point. For the last few weeks, we’ve been focusing on a single biblical instruction: “Offer your bodies to God as a sacrifice.” The first 11 chapters of…
Finding Through Losing (Romans 11 & 12, Part 2) Geoff Ziegler, March 3, 2024 Last week, we said that if you understand the gospel, if you understand Christianity, one response will increasingly make sense to you. One response to the gospel will increasingly describe the way you live your life. You will, more and…