5. “The Good News” (Romans 3, Part 2)

The Good News (Romans 3, Part 2) Geoff Ziegler, February 11, 2024 https://youtu.be/siEThmfTme4?si=7_nC_I3d4QNge_3s When a group of Christians are discouraged because they feel like they are failing, or they have doubts, or they are divided, they need to be strengthened by the gospel. This is the conviction that drives the letter of Romans. Knowing the…

1. “The Gospel of God” (Romans 1, Part 1)

The Gospel of God (Romans 1, Part 1) Geoff Ziegler, January 14, 2024 https://youtu.be/ts_7gX0Uq9w?feature=shared What does it mean to be a Christian? It seems to me that there’s currently quite a bit of confusion on how to answer that question. In the past, people might have connected Christianity to being part of a Christian church.…

Prologue. “Worship as the Way of Joy” (Psalm 16)

The Way of Joy (Psalm 16) Geoff Ziegler, January 7, 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAgKGh67TGM&t=36s&ab_channel=TrinityPresbyterianChurch%7CHinsdale%2CIL So we’re going to be starting a new series on the book of Romans, beginning next week. This week, I’d like to set the stage for all that we will be considering. To orient us, want to ask a fairly basic question. “How…

8. “The Negotiator” (Judges 10-12)

The Negotiator (Judges 10-12) Geoff Ziegler, December 03, 2023 https://youtu.be/bgmiV1OWduE?feature=shared Our passage this morning focuses our attention on an important question. What kind of relationship do we have with God? Is it a personal relationship? Or is it a transactional one?    Do you know what I mean by this distinction? If you’re buying groceries…

Step 4: Making a Change

Step 4: Making a Change In this series we’ve been focusing on a simple idea. If we want to grow as a Christian, we will usually have to make changes in our habits and practices. True gospel-driven transformation moves from faith and desire into making changes in the very structures of our lives.   We understand…