
Can We Trust the Bible?

Why should you take the Bible seriously? Why would you read it differently from, say, Greek myths or other ancient literature?  To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, a careful study of Scripture and the claims it makes for itself leads us to understand that the Bible cannot be merely a great book. It’s either propaganda, legend,…

Trees blowing on mountainside on foggy day

Does Life Have Purpose?

No cow has ever pulled its head up from the grass and asked, “What’s the point of it all?” They don’t need an answer. But we do. In fact, when we lack a sense of direction to our lives, we begin to fall apart. We become depressed, unmotivated, joyless. We need a sense of purpose.…

trail follows a pass between two mountains

Is Christianity Too Narrow?

Let’s begin by acknowledging a basic truth. It is simply impossible for everyone to be right. In matters of religious belief, someone has to be wrong. A pastor in Manhattan participated in a panel on religion that included a Muslim imam and a Jewish rabbi. Their interaction was courteous and respectful, and each of them…