Love like the “friend of sinners”
Jesus was known as the “friend of sinners.” He welcomed people of all sorts of background into his life, often by way of a meal. And he invites us to join with him in this.
Trinity Hinsdale Church Office:
427 E. Walnut St
Hinsdale, IL, 60521
Church Worship Service:
Sundays, 9:30 AM
Seventh-Day Adventist Church
Jesus was known as the “friend of sinners.” He welcomed people of all sorts of background into his life, often by way of a meal. And he invites us to join with him in this.
Jesus teaches that “whatever you have done for the least of these, my brethren, you have done for me.” Those who are lowly by the world’s standards, such as orphans in Haiti, have great dignity in the eyes of God. For more than a decade, Trinity has partnered with El Shaddai Ministries International in supporting…
If you are a Christian, if you are someone who has placed your faith in Christ Jesus, that means you are a disciple, an apprentice to Jesus. That word “disciple” is an active, very practical word. A disciples is not only one who learns what Jesus says but also does Jesus has commanded. We are…
Community is something that pretty much everyone agrees is a good idea. There are very few people who say, “Community is a bad idea; let’s all be alone.” And yet, there’s a reason that community is hard to find, and that’s because people are hard. Whenever we commit ourselves to someone else, whenever we allow…
“Worship” is often seen as only something that religious people do. But the truth is, we all devote our lives to something. We hold something in our hearts as our greatest desire, whether that be our work, our family, or just happiness in general. And that means we all worship. The only question is if…
Why should you take the Bible seriously? Why would you read it differently from, say, Greek myths or other ancient literature? To paraphrase C. S. Lewis, a careful study of Scripture and the claims it makes for itself leads us to understand that the Bible cannot be merely a great book. It’s either propaganda, legend,…
No cow has ever pulled its head up from the grass and asked, “What’s the point of it all?” They don’t need an answer. But we do. In fact, when we lack a sense of direction to our lives, we begin to fall apart. We become depressed, unmotivated, joyless. We need a sense of purpose.…
People sometimes speak of the “problem of evil” as if it’s a logical puzzle to be solved: what’s the correct explanation for how a world with a good and loving God can have this much pain and cruelty? But for many of us it’s far more personal than this. We see dear friends shattered as…
Let’s begin by acknowledging a basic truth. It is simply impossible for everyone to be right. In matters of religious belief, someone has to be wrong. A pastor in Manhattan participated in a panel on religion that included a Muslim imam and a Jewish rabbi. Their interaction was courteous and respectful, and each of them…